Goresky History
For early history of the Goresky and Eustafiewich family, summarizing the research of Addie Banting, rewritten by Mark Goresky and edited by Manoly Lupul, click here:

For Addie's extensive notes on the Goresky and Eustafiewich family history click here:

Huge posters of the Goresky family tree, painstakingly created by Gerald Goresky with MacFamilyTree software, following input from many people in the family, are available here (updated in August 2017):

Basil Goresky Descendants

Eustfiewich Descendants

1936 "The Four Goresky Sisters" Elenore (age 22), Jean (16), Lym (Olympia, 21), Vicky.
Norman Gorman (in uniform), Allan, Phillip, Jean Goresky
Norman Gorman (in uniform), Allan, Phillip, Jean Goresky
Vicky Goresky
Vicky Goresky
Back:  Nick Norman Wm Gora, Allan
Middle: Isidore, Anne, Baba Goresky, Nateshia, Little Allan Gorman
Front:  Ken Gorman, Jean Stefanchuk, Donna, Johnny Stefanchuk
Back: Nick Norman Wm Gora, Allan Middle: Isidore, Anne, Baba Goresky, Nateshia, Little Allan Gorman Front: Ken Gorman, Jean Stefanchuk, Donna, Johnny Stefanchuk