Cost and Payment
Deadline:  Payment must be received by June 1, 2016
or you will be scratched off the list.  

Three ways to pay!

First Method:  by direct deposit

to the account of Gary and Gordon Goresky:

CIBC bank, Stonewall Manitoba

Account number:  00257/62-70093

After you pay, please go to the "Contact Us" page on this website and write us a note with an itemized list of what you have paid and for whom, as follows:

18 years +        $100
13-17 years:      $ 50
7-12 years:        $ 25
0-6 years:          $  0

The bank does not keep a record of this, so you need to supply this information directly to us, thanks!

Second Method (by  e-transfer):  

Canadian banks provide for e-transfer of funds; some banks have a nominal charge (about $1.50 to $2.00) for this.  If you wish to use e-transfer, you set up Gary Goresky as the receipient using his email address:

You will also be required to set up a question and answer.  
The question to the answered is:    What is this for?  
The answer you must provide is:   Reunion

You will also find a place to add a note on the transfer:  please use this to indicate the full name of the individuals that are being paid for and the amount you are paying for them (see the table above).

Third Method: you can mail a cheque (made out to Gary Goresky) for the correct amount, together with your list explaining for what/whom you have paid, to:

Gary and Cathy Goresky
Box 577 Stonewall, MB
R0C2Z0  Canada